Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Driving Force of Globalisation Essay

An NIC stands for a Newly Industrialised Country. It is a term used to describe a country that has moved away from an agriculture-based economy and into a more industrialised, urban economy. These countries have a high growth rate. Current NICs include China, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand and Turkey. The average growth rate between these countries is approximately 7.64% compared to the world average of 3.7% (2011). The average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for these NICs is US$10,769 compared to the world average GDP per capita of US$12,000. GDP is a useful indicator of development and a great measure for comparing differences between countries, therefore allowing a clear differentiation between countries that are Highly Industrialised Countries (HICs), Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) or Low Industrialised Countries (LICs). The Human Development Index (HDI) is another strong indicator of development, it includes a combination of statistics: life expectancy, education and income. The average HDI of these NICs is approximately 0.6874. The world average HDI is 0.862. India is now an NIC, as the IT services boom has transformed the country’s economy, which is now growing at more than 9% per year, the same rate as China. India’s HIC is 0.547(2011 estimate). Since China opened up its markets to the West in the 1980s, the city of Shanghai has transformed into a booming metropolis consisting of about 21 million people. Shanghai accounts for 30% of China’s foreign exports and attracts 25% of all foreign investment into the country. The GDP of Shanghai alone is US450 billion! China’s HDI is 0.867 (2011 estimate). Globalisation is the stage of processes and impacts that occur at a global scale, usually economic systems, but it can include physical systems (global warming) and socio-cultural systems (fashion, music, film industry). Globalisation can be measured using the Globalisation Index, which tracks and assess changes in the 4 key components of global integration. Another measure of globalisation is the KOF Index of Globalisation. This calculates the overall index of globalisation and sub-indices referring to actual economic flows, economic restrictions, data on information flows, data on personal contact and data on cultural proximity. NICs have been and continue to be the driving force of globalisation. Manufacturing tends to occur mainly in industrialised countries. Globally, manufacturing output continues to increase and most manufacturing still occurs in industrialised countries. Although relative contribution of manufacturing to most industrialised countries economies has declined, manufacturing remains fundamental to all economies. Many of the new industrialised countries are dramatically increasing their manufacturing output, by establishing their unique multi-nationals and implement manufacturing plants in developed countries. An example of a country doing this is South Korea. NICs have a variety of advantages over fully developed countries, as they are able to benefit from cheap labour costs, lower business taxes, cheaper land and fewer environmental controls. Multi-nationals are hugely responsible for a large majority of the rise in globalisation, for example; the introduction of Trans-national companies (TNCs). These multi-nationals have huge benefits, i.e. they have generated millions of new jobs in NICs, however; they have also lead to social, political and economic problems within a country, as well as between countries. For example, Uganda, a very poor country with a GDP per capita of just $1,300 (2011), has been forced to lower its prices of exporting coffee, which is what its economy relies on. Coffee prices have fallen by 70% since 1997, costing exporters in developing countries $8 billion in lost foreign-exchange earnings. This divides the gap between the rich and the poor, as the richer countries will benefit from trading, while the poorer countries, such as Uganda, will loose out in gaining money on exports, therefore making them poorer. TNCs dominate industrial production including manufacturing and services, therefore further dividing the gap between the rich and the poor, and being the main leader of globalisation as a consequence. TNCs work to meet the demand for its good from HICs. For example, Toyota, like many other TNCs undertakes much of its manufacturing in LICs in order to meet the high and constant demand from HICs. Manufacturing in LICs is preferred as it provides these large companies with cheap labour. Toyota was recorded as the fifth largest TNC in 2010. It has 51 overseas manufacturing companies in 26 countries and regions, it has Design and Research and Development centres in the USA, Japan, Belgium, the UK, France, Thailand and Australia, and its headquarters are in Japan. Globalisation inevitably increases pressure to liberalise trade and to eliminate tariffs and non-trade barriers. Liberalisation of trade within OPEC clearly resulted in China (an NIC) for example, gaining a comparative advantage over the US (MIC) in the manufacture of machinery products. Globalisation has also been a resulting factor for the dramatic increase in technology. Bangalore, in the Silicon Valley of India is experiencing a remarkable IT boom, that is transforming the prospects of India’s economy. The internet is the fastest growing tool of communications. It took just 4 years for the internet to reach 50 million years, in contrast to the 38 years it took for radio and 13 years for television. However, the bulk of internet traffic is between and within North America, Western Europe and, to a limited extent, East Asia i.e. HICs and NICs. In Asia, Japan accounts for the major share of internet traffic, which is the reason for why this country has become an NIC, where as most other countries in Asia are LICs. A number of charismatic new Indian companies are now challenging the multinationals for global leadership in this area, including TCS (TATA Consultancy Services), Infosys and WIPRO (the current global leader in technology). The IT services boom has helped to transform the Indian economy, which is now growing at more than 9% a year, comparable to China. The new-found affluence of the young workers in the IT sector has led to a change in attitudes to wealth and consumption in the country. More and more young people are increasingly being able to afford such luxuries, for example cars and home ownership. On the other hand, NICs are not necessarily the driving force to globalisation. The reason for this is that these countries have only been able to develop due to the richer western countries. These MICs have the money to buy up land in poorer countries, as part of land colonization in order to meet the demand of these MICs. Many of the new industrializing countries (NICs) are dramatically increasing their manufacturing output, however this is only as a result of industrialised countries becoming established in the NICS. The core periphery is a theory to explain the process by which some countries become wealthy and others become poor, subsequently increasing the divide between them. The patterns of trade that emerges from the 1500s onwards created a wealthy ‘core’ of European countries. The nations who supply these rich European countries remained poor and on the edge, known as the periphery. The Global core regions include North America, Europe and Japan. This core owns and consumes 80% of global goods and services, earns the highest incomes, makes most decisions about the global economy, e.g. what goods are produced, and provides most global investment. Therefore, richer countries control trade, and so have control of LICs to meet their large demand, subsequently being the driving force of globalisation. Trade has been the engine of globalisation, with world wide trade in manufactures goods increasing more than 100 times (from $9.5 billion to $12 trillion) in the last 50 years. This has outpaced the overall growth of the global economy. Since 1960, increased trade has been made easier by international agreements to lower tariff and non-tariff barriers on export of manufactured goods, especially to rich countries. Those countries which have managed to increase their role in the world trading system (through implementing TNCs) by targeting exports to rich countries – such as Japan, Korea and now China. All these countries have seen a dramatic increase in their standard of living. In conclusion, I strongly believe that NICs have been the driving force to globalisation. Moving to a more industrialised, urban economy will help any country to perform better in the global market, helping it to gain a higher growth rate and GDP. Having a higher HDI in a country will also help those countries to receive higher standards of living and an enhanced quality of life. Globalisation occurs as factor of change to economic, physical and socio-cultural systems, which all have large global influences. HICs have therefore, increasingly been the cause for globalisation, as they develop from an agriculture-based economy into an industrialised, urban economy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Joining Sports

Below is a free essay on â€Å"Persuasive Essay On Joining Sports/clubs† from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Teenagers are blessed with the gift of limitless free time. Most of them fill that time slot after school with video games, television, and other distracting technologies. However, there is a much more beneficial option for after school activities. That option is joining co-curricular sports or clubs. These activities have proven benefits, and every student should join one.Sports are a excellent way to stay in shape. MayoClinic says that teenagers require at least an hour of physical activity per day. Physical activity is important for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, more and more adolescents are neglecting their health every year. As of 2001, 25% of American children are obese. (Anne Collins). According to Anne Collins, new studies suggest one in four overweight children are showing early signs of type II diabete s and 60% already have one risk factor for heart disease.America's youth is becoming substantially less healthy, but participating in a sport will decrease their chances of becoming obese. Joining either a sport or club will compel teens to become more sociable, and they can even make new friends. Dr. Phil himself says that a healthy social life helps keep teens happy, and they become less susceptible to depression or suicide. 5,000 teens die of suicide per year (Kidshealth. org). Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, surpassed only by accidents and homicide.Sports or clubs can strengthen social skills and friendships. Making new friends is always a positive benefit any day. It is proven that teenagers will be less likely to use drugs while enrolled in co-curricular activities (Athletic Association of Western Universities). The terrible reality is that 50% of teens use drugs regularly (Teendr ugabuse. com). Alcohol is the easiest drug for teens to obtain, sadly, alcohol kills 6 ? times more teenagers than all other illicit drugs combined†¦

Monday, July 29, 2019

Explain Descartes skeptical argument according to a prompt Term Paper

Explain Descartes skeptical argument according to a prompt - Term Paper Example This lack of insight forms the basis of the argument as the mediator notices that there are certain instances when he is convinced he is awake and surrounded by real objects but he is in fact sleeping and dreaming. Descartes takes the lack of insight to be an outcome of sense perception and dreams being composed of the same content. This can be noted when the mediator argues that he is awake since everything is clear and distinct then he backtracks and reminds himself that the dreamscape can be deceiving as it always seems as clear and distinct during that moment in time (Descartes 33). The dream argument however accepts that although the present sensations and perceptions could be from a dream, they are however drawn from experiences when awake. The mediator compares this to a painter who creates a fantasy image of a mermaid, which at its basic level is composed of composite parts present in the real world, that is, a woman and a fish. Thus the final important aspect of the dream argument as noted by the mediator is that although he cannot trust composite things, he has to trust the simple and universal parts that make a whole such as size, quantity, shape and time (Descartes 34). This means that studies based on basic things such as geometry and arithmetic are trustworthy while those based on composite items such as medicine and astrology cannot be trusted. From the dream argument we can delineate two important facts. First is that dreams have an inexhaustible ability to mimic the real world and secondly, whether dreaming or awake, the clearest thoughts of intellect remain uncompromised. While Descartes dream argument may have been valid in the 21st century, the current conditions make its applicability suspect. Scientists have developed a sensory module that detects when our sense impressions are caused by objects and how accurately those impressions are.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast Speech treatment of dysarthria Research Paper

Compare and Contrast Speech treatment of dysarthria - Research Paper Example Behavioral methods that endeavor to enhance speech precision comprise the volume of intervention strategies for this population, as the dysarthria does not often respond dynamically to medical interventions; although a variety of cases and group studies commonly maintain the eï ¬Æ'ciency of behavioral treatment, much work continues to ascertain a rigorous evidence base (Lansford et al., 2011). Four research articles specifically, Articulatory Deficits in Parkinsonian Dysarthria: an Acoustic Analysis (Ackermann & Ziegler, 1991), Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta and Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson’s disease: Effects on Diadochokinetic Rate (Karlsson et al., 2011), Effect of LSVT on Lexical Tone in Speakers with Parkinson’s disease (Whitehill et al., 2011) and A Cognitive-Perceptual Approach to Conceptualizing Speech Intelligibility Deficits and Remediation Practice in Hypokinetic Dysarthria (Lansford et al., 2011), conferred speech treatment t echniques for dysarthria. Ackermann and Ziegler (1991) performed an acoustic speech analysis of sentence utterances to provide information on speech tempo and accuracy of articulation. Conversely, in the research article of Karlsson et al. (2011), the authors on the effects of Deep Brain Stimulation to the Diadochokinetic Rate of patients with dysarthria suffering from Parkinson’s disease. On the contrary, Whitehill et al. (2011) tackled in detail the treatment modality known as Lee Silverman Voice Treatment or LSVT and its benefits and consequences for patients with dysarthria. In contrast, Lansford et al. (2011) gave emphasis on conceptualizing and justifying potential targets for speech remediation. This paper aspires to tackle the different research articles mentioned and to analyze the similarities and divergences of the treatment modalities for dysarthria encompassed in the cited research articles. The study entitled, Articulatory Deficits in Parkinsonian Dysarthria: an Acoustic

What is the relationship between public administration and democratic Essay

What is the relationship between public administration and democratic governance - Essay Example In essence, one can establish that public organizations have highly static organizational structures more often than not mandated by a statute. Because of this static nature, leaders of public organizations are prone to be weak and lacking in discretion; this is used to explain the traditional leadership theory where employees or subordinates respond to the influence of little discretion employed by their leaders. Similarly, because of the seniority basis of reward systems public administration will older managers often take more up. These older managers are seen to exercise little discretion since they operate in different environmental contexts from their private sector counterparts, where environmental contexts are differentiated by market forces and interaction with legislations and legislatures (Pacek, 2010). It has been found that there is a dichotomy between public administration and politics where this has been evidenced by the fact that the division of authority and labour is branched out into between administrative and elected officials, which raises the planning ability along with democratic ability among public administrators. It is crucial to establish the relation that lies between public administration and politics as it has important implications on the institutional development as well as intellectual identity of public administration. One finding into this dichotomous relationship suggests that politics and public administration are two distinct, separate issues. This outlook defines politics as being about making policies, a process that encompasses a set of activities involving value choices. Public administration, on the other hand, is seen as a tool for interpreting articulated policies into actual outcomes through the application of dedicated skills and knowledge, forma lly referred to as administrative knowledge. In essence, politics serves up the duties for public administration but should not be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Contemporary Issues in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Contemporary Issues in Marketing - Essay Example There are thousands of books for marketing in the recent time, but do all of these books say the same thing in a different manner? Or these books are not at all applicable in the real life? Well, this paper reveals the major contemporary issues of these marketing books in a descriptive manner. The great virtue of marketing management is, that it is bound to change and evolve over time, developing newer strategies and theories which may benefit the marketing of products, and ultimately help in improving human lives in the process. Such improvements and evolution of marketing concepts and theories; play a key role in enhancing the quality of our lives by making more and more products and services accessible to us. However, marketing is a huge functional entity which comprise of various branches. The contemporary issues of marketing include the manner in which products and services are marketed, in an ethical manner and the use of technology as a new-age marketing strategy. This paper w ill discuss all the contemporary issues which are important to improve the product. ... This paper will be focusing on all the aspects as well as issues related to contemporary marketing. Furthermore, other critical issues such as the traditional and modern marketing approaches as well as the involvement of the technologies; the ethical aspects of the Marketing are also discussed comprehensively, in this paper. This paper will help the reader to understand the contemporary definition and the approaches of marketing in the modern era. Introduction: There are thousands of books for marketing in the recent time, but do all of these books say the same thing in a different manner? Or these books are not at all applicable in the real life? Well, this paper reveals the major contemporary issues of these marketing books in a descriptive manner. The great virtue of marketing management is, that it is bound to change and evolve over time, developing newer strategies and theories which may benefit the marketing of products, and ultimately help in improving human lives in the proce ss. Such improvements and evolution of marketing concepts and theories; play a key role in enhancing the quality of our lives by making more and more products and services accessible to us. However, marketing is a huge functional entity which comprise of various branches. The contemporary issues of marketing include the manner in which products and services are marketed, in an ethical manner and the use of technology as a new-age marketing strategy. This paper will discuss all the contemporary issues which are important to improve the product. The concept of marketing and its components: Definition: Marketing is an age-old phenomenon and it comprises of various critical

Friday, July 26, 2019

Singapore Airlines Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Singapore Airlines Case - Essay Example The management came up with a policy of recruiting young people between the ages of 20 – 25 who had completed high school level and had â€Å"O levels in English†. Young crew policy had some advantages. Young crew who were recruited was most likely to depict some sense of enthusiasm and keenness in their work. In addition, they were fit physically to manage the demanding job and to meet the thorough schedule. Furthermore, it was believed that most of the passengers enjoyed being served and attended by young and attractive men and women. Another implication of using young crew policy was that it reduced the substantial size of the applicant pool. This was because young people had the opportunity of studying in the university or getting other kinds of education thus reducing the number of desirable school leavers. The policy also provided opportunities for ensuring that the crew remained young by offering the five-year renewable contract to the crew. This policy also offered a career path and a possibility of a lifetime employment contract to the stewards. Those who were recruited were given six-week training before being considered as qualified operational crew. The training covered such areas as personal grooming, poise, uniform care and also personal conduct. Practical lessons commenced by learning the names and purposes of all the available amenities available on the airline board. Other lessons dealt with various types of service ware, glasses, dishes and other food serving items that might be used by the crew. Recruits were also taught of names and procedures for various drinks and dozens of food items served by the SIA. The training also covered some classes on how to handle emergencies and incidents on board. The performance of the crew was formally evaluated through staff interviews and also based on comments from the passengers. The performance report was based on three evaluations.  First, flight stewards were appraised by senior flight stewards and stewardesses working on the same flight.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Watch the movie, The Color Purple, and write a one-page paper Movie Review

Watch the , The Color Purple, and write a one-page paper analyzing the historical accuracy of the film - Movie Review Example The setting shows a point in time when the black women faced oppression their black husbands. The reason behind the oppression is the frustration caused to their husbands by the whites who discriminated against them. Walker who is the writer of the script builds the woman character in the movie from a physical and psychologically abused perspective to an independent and strong person. Walker represents a period in which she was a victim of oppression and she became a feminist fighting for the rights of women at this time though his writings of novels and poems. In conclusion, the movie accurately represents a period during which the oppression of the women more especially the black Americans was on the rise. During the time of the movies, the women were in slavery and this is shown through the effort of all the female characters to find liberation. The women are inferior to men and they have are prone to sexual, physical and psychological

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exposure to Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exposure to Media - Essay Example However, with the changing time and age, this has become a reality which is difficult to change course, and has lasting impressions on their minds and bodies. Adolescent development is an important subject that needs to be given the consideration that it richly deserves and within the spectrum of the ever-changing youth attitudes, it attains even more mileage for a number of reasons. The readily available films, music, books and videos have actually put the elders in a quandary. They have felt the plunge because exposure to media has become explicit and the issue has become magnanimous. The adolescents have therefore relied more on their environments than their parents and guardians (MacKinnon, 2006). They have felt the pressure from their peers and this has been represented through the different manifestations which they have been getting into time and again. The risk element has become stronger with the passage of time where some adolescents have shown susceptibleness to attitudes and beliefs which are unbecoming of their age and stature. These books and other available materials have made the elders feel wary of them because their young ones know much more than they did at their age (Sebald, 1992). This has put the ball back in their court as far as their raising up domains is concerned. The emphasis has gone directly on how they have been brought up and how their domains have been hijacked by the elders who are indeed their parents and guardians. These adolescents have been exposed to such images which have more or less disturbed the elders. These adolescents believe that their development is being done the right way since they are in line with what the media has been projecting and what they are learning at the end of the day (Kim & Lennon, 2007). What they seem to forget is the fact that the media is giving out wrong and illicit behaviors which these young ones are easily getting hooked on to for a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lesson plan review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lesson plan review - Essay Example With effective preparations, the teacher presents himself appropriately and with appropriate examples to help the young learners understand the subject. The young learners rely extensive on examples given. The teacher must therefore develop appropriate examples using the vocabularies with the view of improving the young learners’ conceptualization of the words and their usage. Additionally, the preparations included the preparation of the course materials such as the writing board and marker pen, the review of the course books and the writing pads. Reviewing the book beforehand prepares the teacher for the lesson thus preventing confusion in front of the leaners. The teacher will also review past lessons in order to assume a progressive nature to teaching. This will include preparing the contents to fit his or her last lesson. This way, the teacher begins the class by reminding the leaners of the previous class thus testing their memories. Such an approach to teaching makes learning a progressive process with learners always making effort to learn something new, to implement this more effectively, the teacher develops several brief questions in advance to ask the pupils in the course of the lesson. In building an effective background for the lesson, the teacher reads several books to develop and effective understanding of the vocabularies, he or she seeks to teach the young learners. The books will include both the course books among many other relevant books that may contain similar concepts with his or her reach. Extensive reading makes the teacher comfortable with the concepts to teach. Additionally, the extensive reading makes it possible for the teacher to select an appropriate assay for the class. The appropriateness of the essay improves the success of the lessons since the essay will include the appropriate vocabularies and their suitable usage. The teacher will help the pupils understand the story and the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The novel Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

The novel Frankenstein Essay I have lately been so deeply engaged in one occupation that I have not allowed myself sufficient rest he becomes run down, I think this has a small impact on the novel as a whole but it has a big impact on chapter five, it shows that he is very stressed about the whereabouts of the monster, but one thing we must take into consideration is the fact that Victor Frankenstein exaggerates things, we know this from him thinking he is the victim I escaped and ran down the stairs, so he might be making his illness be dramatic then it really is. In chapter five we find out about Victor Frankensteins personality. Everyone is prejudice; because everyone judges people before they know them. Its an instinctive reaction and isnt dangerous unless you stick to your first judgement and that turns into discrimination. When Victor Frankenstein says, His features are beautiful, beautiful? Great God! it shows how superficial he is, nevertheless, more importantly it demonstrates how emotionally unintelligent he is. Victor Frankenstein is a very intelligent man, academically. He is a scientist, one that has created life; you might even call him a genius. Emotionally he is a wreck. He says the secrets of heaven and hell this is his motivation, what he wants to find out. He wants to be God and he wants to play with the lives of others, is this a sane mans aspiration? Another way to prove this arrogance is when he says so deserving of my love. He truly believes Frankenstein the monster needs his love to survive, when he is incapable of loving anyone but himself. It is clear Victor Frankenstein sees himself as the victim but I escaped and ran down the stairs escaped from what? Frankenstein the monster was not trying to scare him or kill him, purely seeking the love he needs; but Victor Frankenstein is so self obsessed he wants Frankenstein the monster to come after him so he can write about how he is so hard done by and how the world is out to get him. Victor Frankenstein is selfish and self obsessed, this is clear by the repetition of the first person pronoun I and me, the language used here illustrates how solipsistic he is. The language in chapter five helps us build up an idea of the setting. Dreary night of November this is in the first sentence of chapter five, and it prepares us for a gothic/horror genre. The pathetic fallacy used is an insight to Victor Frankensteins feelings; he is dreary like the surroundings. The rain pattered candle nearly burnt out Again pathetic fallacy shows Victor Frankensteins feelings and the pattered rain could link to his mental instability; pattered isnt clear, just like his own thoughts. Candles produce light, and light symbolises the truth. The light is burning out; this could be death of a life and abuse of knowledge. Frankenstein the monster is about to be created, so this is a contrast in imagery, a burning out candle represents death, but a new life is being created. A key theme in this novel is the role of women. The function of women is redundant with the new way of making life. I embrace her dead mother in my arms All the women in the novel die, and Mary Shelly didnt put her name on the novel until thirteen years after publication; this is because of the prejudice women had in the 19th centaury. Another key theme is science, and science vs. religion. People were fascinated in bringing the dead to life, and Victor Frankenstein portrays this in saying: I shall saliate my ardent curiosity People were extremely religious and the thought of bringing the dead back, and digging up graveyards was unacceptable to the church, and it brought up moral issues like is there a god? Because if man can create something that god can, are we not all equal? I have learnt that the 19th century was filled with prejudice and also curiousness about the after life and science. Religion played an immense role in the way people lived, all of this is reflected in the novel and we see Victor Frankenstein break the rules of society and change the roles of women so they are no longer needed. Rachel Benton 11y 31/01/06 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Historical Development of Continental Philosophy’s Existentialism Essay Example for Free

Historical Development of Continental Philosophy’s Existentialism Essay Absolute Idealism left distinct marks on many facets of Western culture. True, science was indifferent to it, and common sense was perhaps stupefied by it, but the greatest political movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries— Marxism—was to a significant degree an outgrowth of Absolute Idealism. (Bertrand Russell remarked someplace that Marx was nothing more than Hegel mixed with British economic theory. ) Nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, theology, and even art felt an influence. The Romantic composers of the nineteenth century, for example, with their fondness for expanded form, vast orchestras, complex scores and soaring melodies, searched for the all-encompassing musical statement. In doing so, they mirrored the efforts of the metaphysicians; whose vast and imposing systems were sources of inspiration to many artists and composers. As we have said, much of what happened in philosophy after Hegel was in response to Hegel. This response took different forms in English-speaking countries and on the European continent—so different that philosophy in the twentieth century was split into two traditions or, as we might say nowadays, two â€Å"conversations. † So-called analytic philosophy and its offshoots became the predominant tradition of philosophy in England and eventually in the United States. The response to Hegelian idealism on the European continent was quite different however; and is known (at least in English-speaking countries) as Continental philosophy. Mean while, the United States developed its own brand of philosophy—called pragmatism—but ultimately analytic philosophy became firmly entrenched in the United States as well. Within Continental philosophy may be found various identifiable schools of philosophical thought: existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and critical theory. Two influential schools were existentialism and phenomenology, and we will begin this chapter with them. Both existentialism and phenomenology have their roots in the nineteenth century, and many of their themes can be traced back to Socrates and even to the pre- Socratics. Each school of thought has influenced the other to such an extent that two of the most famous and influential Continental philosophers of this century, Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 –1980), are important figures in both movements, although Heidegger is primarily a phenomenologist and Sartre primarily an existentialist. Some of the main themes of existentialism are traditional and academic philosophy is sterile and remote from the concerns of real life. Philosophy must focus on the individual in her or his confrontation with the world. The world is irrational (or, in any event, beyond total comprehending or accurate conceptualizing through philosophy). The world is absurd, in the sense that no ultimate explanation can be given for why it is the way it is. Senselessness, emptiness, triviality, separation, and inability to communicate pervade human existence. Giving birth to anxiety, dread, self-doubt, and despair as well as the individual confronts as the most important fact of human existence, the necessity to choose how he or she is to live within this absurd and irrational world. Now, many of these themes had already been introduced by those brooding thinkers of the nineteenth century, Arthur Schopenhauer (see previous chapter), Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche. All three had a strong distaste for the optimistic idealism of Hegel—and for metaphysical systems in general. Such philosophy, they thought, ignored the human predicament. For all three the universe, including its human inhabitants, is seldom rational, and philosophical systems that seek to make everything seem rational are just futile attempts to overcome pessimism and despair. This impressive-sounding word denotes the philosophy that grew out of the work of Edmund Husserl (1859–1938). In brief, phenomenology interests itself in the essential structures found within the stream of conscious experience—the stream of phenomena—as these structures manifest themselves independently of the assumptions and presuppositions of science. Phenomenology, much more than existentialism, has been a product of philosophers rather than of artists and writers. But like existentialism, phenomenology has had enormous impact outside philosophical circles. It has been especially influential in theology, the social and political sciences, and psychology and psychoanalysis. Phenomenology is a movement of thinkers who have a variety of interests and points of view; phenomenology itself finds its antecedents in Kant and Hegel (though the movement regarded itself as anything but Hegelian). Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason, argued that all objective knowledge is based on phenomena, the data received in sensory experience. In Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind, beings are treated as phenomena or objects for a consciousness. The world beyond experience, the â€Å"real† world assumed by natural science, is a world concerning which much is unknown and doubtful. But the world-in-experience, the world of pure phenomena, can be explored without the same limitations or uncertainties.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Iraq (Cultures of the World) | Book

Iraq (Cultures of the World) | Book Introduction Hassig and Al Adely argue in their book known as Iraq: Culture of the world, that Iraq has been a major discussion featured in news all over the world in the last ten years of the 20th century and in the early years of the 21st century. Its ancient history has fascinated and owed many though triggering the international community to have many negative reactions. In ancient days, Iraq was known as Mesopotamia meaning â€Å"land between two rivers-the Euphrates and the Tigris† with Arabs, Sumerians, Turks and Babylonians contributing to the prosperity of the country. This has made Iraq to be known as â€Å"the cradle of civilization.† They later discuss Iraqs climate, geography, fauna, governance, economy, flora and the countrys history as discussed below. Geography Iraqs geography is made of mountains in the north, marshland on river banks and deserts in the south. The Iraq terrain is rugged seen in the citizens who live in poverty and war though still holding to their religion, beliefs, customs and interests. The countrys geographical location is in the south western region of Asia. Iraqs fertile land is found between the two rivers which has supported agriculture for many years. Although besides the lands fertility, the countrys topography and vegetation is changing drastically with west and southern parts changing into deserts and the north transforming into cold mountainous regions. There are steppe desert plains towards the west. This makes the place to be scarcely populated due to the rocky terrain plus the harsh climatic conditions. The northern foothills region receives abundant rainfall thus producing a lot of grain for the country. The foothills have many archeological sites like the ancient city of Assyria. The northeastern mountains are inhabited by many people due to its fertile land for pastures and the favorable cool climate. The later is also the land with richest oil fields. Although, being remote, the mountains act as a shelter for criminals and rebels. Climate Iraq is discussed to have unreliable climate. The north experiences freezing cold winters and very hot summers; the west is a desert thus dry; eastern sides are tropical thus humid. Iraq is a dry country. Averagely, the countrys summer temperatures range from 24to 43 degrees Celsius while 4 to 16 degrees Celsius in winter. It receives little rainfall, approximately 130cm per year. The rain evaporates quickly making the country to depend on irrigation for cultivation. Rarely the country experiences destructive floods. Flora The country has a variety of vegetation due to the different climates experienced. Examples of trees growing in the high altitude are alpine plants, oak trees, juniper and hawthorn. The vegetation grows sparingly due to the elevated salt concentration and the unfavorable climate. The country has desert flora which survive in the hot summer and thrive in the in spring after rainfall. Dates are also grown many parts of Iraq. The plant is referred to as â€Å"the plant of life† due to its many uses. It is used to make a variety of dishes, the palm is used for weaving and date pits are ground to create a beverage. Fauna The country has little fauna in relation to its size. Mostly, individuals keep camels as they survive very well in deserts. They require little water for survival and can travel long distances. The deserts have a variety of nocturnal animals. The Euphrates and Tigris provide a habitat for fresh water fish. Iraq has many cities examples are Baghdad, Basra, Mosul and Kirkuk. Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, grew from a small village which had become the heart of traditions and education. Right now, it is the center of government with many industries i.e. oil industries and food processors. The city was greatly affected by the gulf wars. Their bombs targeted armed forces and administration buildings mainly the governments. Currently, the city is being renovated. Though, this process is being slowed by international permits that stop countries from supplying Iraq with building materials. History Iraq has the best history. It is believed to be the root of civilization in 3500B.C. An example is the cylinder seals found there. They were pressed into clay and used to create signatures. The city built ziggurat which are pyramid shaped temples that made weapons and measuring gadgets. The authors also talks about the countries golden age and the foreign conquest. Iraq was then declared an independent kingdom in October 1932. The country was later faced with problems internally and with neighboring countries. In the late 1940s, the country faced economic crisis caused by worldwide shortages and the mass exodus of Jews to Israel from Iraq. This was also as a result of World War II. In 1991, there was an Iraq-Iran war which drastically affected their economy. Hussein and Al-Sabath family governing Kuwaiti disagreed on various issues. Oil fields lied in their border causing them to quarrel since 1958. Overproduction of oil by Kuwait to recover money to pay their loaner, lowered oil prices which also affected Iraq. Later, Hussein organized groups to attack Kuwait causing the Al-Sabath to exile to Saudi Arabia. United Nations reacted by sanctioning economic approval on Iraq that the country could not export their oil. United Nations created military troops by December 1990 which used force to vacate Iraq troops from Kuwait. Iraq did not withdraw from Kuwait and thus United Nations organized to attack Iraq. This affected Iraq as the war claimed 100,000 lives of Iraqis. Government The country had dictatorship governance since 1979 during Saddam Husseins reign. The weapons used against Iraq affected them. Weapons made of poisons that could spread through water and air was used against Iraq. Iraq planned a terrorist attack and later attacked United States in September 2001. This has been causing quarrels between the two countries up to date. U.S government prepared to attack Iraq, although people who took part in the first Gulf War II were against it. Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, was producing mass destruction weapons which the U.S government targeted to destroy. The second gulf war began on 19th of March, 2003 when the U.S government planned missiles to a palace that was believed to have Saddam Hussein and his family hiding. The bombers targeted Iraq cities that are scarcely populated to avoid massacre and destroying the infrastructure. However, they were met by organized guerrilla opposition that was very fierce and this resistance never materialized. The U.S Special Forces planned and with the backing from the Kurdish militias they took over the oil fields in the north. Tikrit, Husseins hometown was taken by the U.S troop and Iraqis celebrated his down fall. The main agenda of the war was to replace Saddam Husseins dictatorship rule. Desperation of the Iraqis caused them to rob museums, institution and citadels of their leaders. The Iraqis who had flown from the country started to go back to the country and declaring themselves leaders in both religious and political fields. There was no clear governance. U.S assigned their factories to re store the destroyed infrastructure. Citizens built hope for brighter future in 2003 after the collapse of military authoritarianism. Iraq developed into a sovereign state from the association of countries authorized by British government on 3rd of October,1932 and transferred its leadership from an Alliance of Provisional Power to Iraq government on 28th of June,2004. Thus the government has a parliamentary democracy type of governance. Economy Iraq claims to have 143 barrels of crude oil and in 2009 it signed a major production deal with international oil companies. The country has set a target of 2.2million barrels for 2011 after the steady rise in shipments from the Kurdish region. Conclusion In conclusion, Iraq as a country has fantastic geographical and archeological sites with variable climate. The harsh climatic conditions experienced has made the country to depend on irrigation for agriculture and has also minimized the types of animals domesticated by Iraqis i.e. most of them keep camels. The country is portrayed to be rich with oil though being devastated with the recurrent war and bad governance. Globally, renaissance of producing oil and gas in Iraq would help reduce oil prices globally. This would assist in increasing oil quantity after the sharp worldwide depression that occurred in 2008-2009 which led to a steady increase in its price. Iraq has the possibility to become one of the worlds chief oil manufacturers given its vast oil resources. Overpowering rebels in the Middle East of Iraq has helped Iraq which is now progressing. This book explores Iraqs geography, past, government, wealth, citizens, and traditions.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay examples -- Shelley Frankenstein Ess

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein, was written during a period of dramatic revolution. The failed French Revolution and Industrial Revolution seriously mark the novel with hints of moral and scientific revolution. Through Frankenstein, Shelley sends out a clear message that morally irresponsible scientific development can unleash a monster that can destroy its creator. Upon beginning the creation process, Victor Frankenstein uses the scientific advances of others to infiltrate the role of nature. "The modern masters promise very little.. But these philosophers .. have indeed performed miracles.. They penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she works in her hiding-places. They ascend into the heavens; they have discovered how the blood circulates, and the nature of the air we breath. They have acquired new and almost unlimited powers; they can command the thunders of heaven, mimic the earthquake, and even mock the invisible world of its own shadows"(47). Frankenstein sees these innovations as overpowering and substantially giving humans the power of god. Frankenstein believes that through these new scientific powers human kind would be served with a positive effect. Disease could be banished and self glory could result. "what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death"(40)! Shelley characterizes Frankenstein as a modern a mad scientist...

Capital Punishment Is Necessary Essay -- Pro-Death Penalty Essay

Capital punishment and the practice of the death penalty is an issue that is passionately debated in the United States. Opponents of the death penalty claim that capital punishment is unnecessary since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison every year(List of prison escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police are searching for two convicted murders who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York on June 6th, 2015. The ONLY punishment from which one cannot escape is the death penalty. Often times, jail sentencing does not do justice to murder. Sometimes, crime is so cruel that there is no realistic punishment for it. There are too many victims out there that have suffered and their attacker received a painless life sentence. Painless, when comparing to horrifying murders that happen everyday. As Paul A. Winters says, If a person commits a gruesome murder, he deserves to be put to death (Winters et al. 154). So many murderers are convicted of man slaughter and only receive years in jail. Their victims feel the pain, but imagine the pain and sorrow the families of the victims feel. The Death penalty is the only justifying sentence for a murderer. The Death penalty is effective because it deters crime. According to polls, more than 70 percent of Americans feel that murderers deserve the death penalty (Winters et al. 168). Although several people are in favor of the death penalty, abolitionist claim there are some alternatives, they say that life without parole serves just as well (Guilmette 2). Many citizens would agree that putting away the murderer is effective, but just isn t enough. Capital punishment is the most effective weapon against the murderers because no executed murderer ever has had the chance to kill again. Over the years, many people would say that public safety has become meaningless and not worth defending anymore. Every country in the world is ready and willing to kill thousands, even millions of human beings in brutal, merciless way to defend their nation from the aggression of other countries. Why public safety doesn t deserve as much respect and protection as a nation s national security does? In fact, it can be argued that supporting armies and war is far more barbarous than the death penalty... bother mankind, but there are others like him. Australia has abolished the death sentence. They can no longer control the men like Panzram. Martin Bryant shot and killed 35 innocent people in Tasmania. The people of Australia are now supporting him. There is one option, which Australia no longer has. They cannot put this man to death, they are not allowed. We must keep the death penalty for the people like this; people who like to kill and that don't fear imprisonment. The Death penalty is the only justification for people like these. Works Cited Bedau, Hugo Adam. The Death Penalty in America Statements in favor of the Death Penalty. Ed. J. Edgar Hoover. Chicago: Alding publishing company, 1964. 130-135 Kronenwetter, Michael. Capital Punishment . Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2004. Winters, Paul A. et al. The Death Penalty. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2006. DiLulio, John J. Abolish the Death penalty, officially . May 2007. Online. UMI ProQuest Direct. (27 May 2008). Ramirez, Richard. Carl Panzram, 1861-1930 1996. (28 June, 2008). "List of prison escapes" Wikipedia 2015. Web. 8 June 2015.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Relationships Between Mothers and Daughters in Tans The Joy Luck Club

Relationships Between Mothers and Daughters in Tan's The Joy Luck Club â€Å"Now the woman was old.   And she had a daughter who grew up speaking only English and swallowing more Coca-Cola than sorrow.   For a long time now the woman had wanted to give her daughter the single swan feather and tell her, â€Å"This feather may look worthless, but it comes from afar and carries with it all my good intentions.†Ã‚   And she waited, year after year, for the day she could tell her daughter this in perfect American English (Tan 3).† The American culture focuses more on the individual.   Typical Americans always want to be independent.   Traditionally, they never appreciate anything that they have, are selfish, and ignorant to other cultures.   On the other hand, the Chinese culture has many strong beliefs concerning the family.   Chinese women value their parents, especially their mothers.   It is expected that their daughters also do the same.   â€Å"Women from Asia value family.   Family is all important.   Husband, children, parents, relatives come first.   Husband and children never take second place to her career (China Bride).†Ã‚   The Joy Luck Club emphasizes family values by explaining how each mother, Suyuan Woo, An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Ying-ying St. Clair, came to America so that their daughters could have better lives and everything that they didn’t have.   Because the daughters in The Joy Luck Club were born in America, they wanted to be more Americanized than t o recognize their true Chinese culture.   In particular, Waverly Jong was less successful than her mother, Lindo, in finding her true identity.   Lindo honors family and self.   Waverly has a hard time finding her true identity.   She builds a wall between her and her mother and tries to be he... ... when she â€Å"let’s her mother in†.   Waverly lets her mother in when they are at the salon.   Lindo tells her daughter about her childhood and how she ended up in America.   She tells Waverly that she named her after the street they lived on so that when she grew up and left, that she would take a piece of her with her.   Waverly finally understands her mother.   â€Å"Her mother has been waiting for Waverly to let her in, to accept her Chinese heritage so that she can accept Waverly’s Chinese-American future (49).† Works Cited Carey, Gary.   Cliff notes on Amy Tan’s   The Joy Luck Club. Lincoln, Nebraska. Cliff Notes. 1994. The China Bride. 23 March 2000. Chinese –American Women in The United States. Liu, Spring. 1997. Tan, Amy.   The Joy Luck Club. New York. Ivy Books.1989.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Forward the Foundation Chapter 22

Part IV Wanda Seldon SELDON, WANDA-†¦ In the waning years of Hari Seldon's life, he grew most attached to (some say dependent upon) his granddaughter, Wanda. Orphaned in her teens, Wanda Seldon devoted herself to her grandfather's Psychohistory Project, filling the vacancy left by Yugo Amaryl†¦ The content of Wanda Seldon's work remains largely a mystery, for it was conducted in virtually total isolation. The only individuals allowed access to Wanda Seldon's research were Hari himself and a young man named Stettin Palver (whose descendant Preem would four hundred years later contribute to the rebirth of Trantor, as the planet rose from the ashes of the Great Sack [300 F.E.1). Although the full extent of Wanda Seldon's contribution to the Foundation is unknown, it was undoubtedly of the greatest magnitude†¦ Encyclopedia Galactica 1 Hari Seldon walked into the Galactic Library (limping a little, as he did more and more often these days) and made for the banks of skitters, the little vehicles that slid their way along the interminable corridors of the building complex. He was held up, however, by the sight of three men seated at one of the galactography alcoves, with the Galactograph showing the Galaxy in full three-dimensional representation and, of course, its worlds slowly pinwheeling around its core, spinning at right angles to that as well. From where Seldon stood he could see that the border Province of Anacreon was marked off in glowing red. It skirted the edge of the Galaxy and took up a great volume, but it was sparsely populated with stars. Anacreon was not remarkable for either wealth or culture but was remarkable for its distance from Trantor: ten thousand parsecs away. Seldon acting on impulse, took a seat at a computer console near the three and set up a random search he was sure would take an indefinite period. Some instinct told him that such an intense interest in Anacreon must be political in nature-its position in the Galaxy made it one of the least secure holdings of the current Imperial regime. His eyes remained on his screen, but Seldon's ears were open for the discussion near him. One didn't usually hear political discussions in the Library. They were, in point of fact, not supposed to take place. Seldon did not know any of the three men. That was not entirely surprising. There were habitues of the Library, quite a few, and Seldon knew most of them by sight-and some even to talk to-but the Library was open to all citizens. No qualifications. Anyone could enter and use its facilities. (For a limited period of time, of course. Only a select few, like Seldon were allowed to â€Å"set up shop† in the Library. Seldon had been granted the use of a locked private office and complete access to Library resources.) One of the men (Seldon thought of him as Hook Nose, for obvious reasons) spoke in a low urgent voice. â€Å"Let it go,† he said. â€Å"Let it go. It's costing us a mint to try to hold on and, even if we do, it will only be while they're there. They can't stay there forever and, as soon as they leave, the situation will revert to what it was.† Seldon knew what they were talking about. The news had come over TrantorVision only three days ago that the Imperial government had decided on a show of force to bring the obstreperous Governor of Anacreon into line. Seldon's own psychohistorical analysis had shown him that it was a useless procedure, but the government did not generally listen when its emotions were stirred. Seldon smiled slightly and grimly at hearing Hook Nose say what he himself had said-and the young man said it without the benefit of any knowledge of psychohistory. Hook Nose went on. â€Å"If we leave Anacreon alone, what do we lose? It's still there, right where it always was, right at the edge of the Empire. It can't pick up and go to Andromeda, can it? So it still has to trade with us and life continues. What's the difference if they salute the Emperor or not? You'll never be able to tell the difference.† The second man, whom Seldon had labeled Baldy, for even more obvious reasons, said, â€Å"Except this whole business doesn't exist in a vacuum. If Anacreon goes, the other border provinces will go. The Empire will break up.† â€Å"So what?† whispered Hook Nose fiercely. â€Å"The Empire can't run itself effectively anymore, anyway. It's too big. Let the border go and take care of itself-if it can. The Inner Worlds will be all the stronger and better off. The border doesn't have to be ours politically; it will still be ours economically.† And now the third man (Red Cheeks) said, â€Å"I wish you were right, but that's not the way it's going to work. If the border provinces establish their independence, the first thing each will do will be to try to increase its power at the expense of its neighbors. There'll be war and conflict and every one of the governors will dream of becoming Emperor at last. It will be like the old days before the Kingdom of Trantor-a dark age that will last for thousands of years.† Baldy said, â€Å"Surely things won't be that bad. The Empire may break up, but it will heal itself quickly when people find out that the breakup just means war and impoverishment. They'll look back on the golden days of the intact Empire and all will be well again. We're not barbarians, you know. We'll find a way.† â€Å"Absolutely,† said Hook Nose. â€Å"We've got to remember that the Empire has faced crisis after crisis in its history and has pulled through time and again.† But Red Cheeks shook his head as he said, â€Å"This is not just another crisis. This is something much worse. The Empire has been deteriorating for generations. Ten years' worth of the junta destroyed the economy and since the fall of the junta and the rise of this new Emperor, the Empire has been so weak that the governors on the Periphery don't have to do anything. It's going to fall of its own weight.† â€Å"And the allegiance to the Emperor-† began Hook Nose. â€Å"What allegiance?† said Red Cheeks. â€Å"We went for years without an Emperor after Cleon was assassinated and no one seemed to mind much. And this new Emperor is just a figurehead. There's nothing he can do. There's nothing anyone can do. This isn't a crisis. This is the end. â€Å" The other two stared at Red Cheeks, frowning. Baldy said, â€Å"You really believe it! You think that the Imperial government will just sit there and let it all happen?† â€Å"Yes! Like you two, they won't believe it is happening. That is, until it's too late.† â€Å"What would you want them to do if they did believe it?† asked Baldy. Red Cheeks stared into the Galactograph, as if he might find an answer there. â€Å"I don't know. Look, in due course of time I'll die; things won't be too bad by then. Afterward, as the situation gets worse, other people can worry about it. I'll be gone. And so will the good old days. Maybe forever. I'm not the only one who thinks this, by the way. Ever hear of someone named Hari Seldon?† â€Å"Sure,† said Hook Nose at once. â€Å"Wasn't he First Minister under Cleon?† â€Å"Yes,† said Red Cheeks. â€Å"He's some sort of scientist. I heard him give a talk a few months back. It felt good to know I'm not the only one who believes the Empire is falling apart. He said-â€Å" â€Å"And he said everything's going to pot and there's going to be a permanent dark age?† Baldy interjected. â€Å"Well no,† said Red Cheeks. â€Å"He's one of these real cautious types. Ire says it might happen, but he's wrong. It will happen.† Seldon had heard enough. He limped toward the table where the three men sat and touched Red Cheeks on the shoulder. â€Å"Sir,† he said, â€Å"may I speak to you for a moment?† Startled, Red Cheeks looked up and then he said, â€Å"Hey, aren't you Professor Seldon?† â€Å"I always have been,† said Seldon. He handed the man a reference tile bearing his photograph. â€Å"I would like to see you here in my Library office at 4 P.M., day after tomorrow. Can you manage that?† â€Å"I have to work.† â€Å"Call in sick if you have to. It's important.† â€Å"Well, I'm not sure, sir.† â€Å"Do it,† said Seldon. â€Å"If you get into any sort of trouble over it, I'll straighten it out. And meanwhile, gentlemen, do you mind if I study the Galaxy simulation for a moment? It's been a long time since I've looked at one.† They nodded mutely, apparently abashed at being in the presence of a former First Minister. One by one the men stepped back and allowed Seldon access to the Galactograph controls. Seldon's finger reached out to the controls and the red that had marked off the Province of Anacreon vanished. The Galaxy was unmarked, a glowing pinwheel of mist brightening into the spherical glow at the center, behind which was the Galactic black hole. Individual stars could not be made out, of course, unless the view were magnified, but then only one portion or another of the Galaxy would be shown on the screen and Seldon wanted to see the whole thing -to get a look at the Empire that was vanishing. He pushed a contact and a series of yellow dots appeared on the Galactic image. They represented the habitable planets-twenty-five million of them. They could be distinguished as individual dots in the thin fog that represented the outskirts of the Galaxy, but they were more and more thickly placed as one moved in toward the center. There was a belt of what seemed solid yellow (but which would separate into individual dots under magnification) around the central glow. The central glow itself remained white and unmarked, of course. No habitable planets could exist in the midst of the turbulent energies of the core. Despite the great density of yellow, not one star in ten thousand, Seldon knew, had a habitable planet circling it. This was true, despite the planet-molding and terraforming capacities of humanity. Not all the molding in the Galaxy could make most of the worlds into anything a human being could walk on in comfort and without the protection of a spacesuit. Seldon closed another contact. The yellow dots disappeared, but one tiny region glowed blue: Trantor and the various worlds directly dependent on it. As close as it could be to the central core and yet remaining insulated from its deadliness, it was commonly viewed as being located at the â€Å"center of the Galaxy,† which it wasn't-not truly. As usual, one had to be impressed by the smallness of the world of Trantor, a tiny place in the vast realm of the Galaxy, but within it was squeezed the largest concentration of wealth, culture, and governmental authority that humanity had ever seen. And even that was doomed to destruction. It was almost as though the men could read his mind or perhaps they interpreted the sad expression on his face. Baldy asked softly, â€Å"Is the Empire really going to be destroyed?† Seldon replied, softer still, â€Å"It might. It might. Anything might happen.† He rose, smiled at the men, and left, but in his thoughts he screamed: It will! It will! 2 Seldon sighed as he climbed into one of the skitters that were ranked side by side in the large alcove. There had been a time, just a few years ago, when he had gloried in walking briskly along the interminable corridors of the Library, telling himself that even though he was past sixty he could manage it. But now, at seventy, his legs gave way all too quickly and he had to take a skitter. Younger men took them all the time because skitters saved them trouble, but Seldon did it because he had to-and that made all the difference. After Seldon punched in the destination, he closed a contact and the skitter lifted a fraction of an inch above the floor. Off it went at a rather casual pace, very smoothly, very silently, and Seldon leaned back and watched the corridor walls, the other skitters, the occasional walkers. He passed a number of Librarians and, even after all these years, he still smiled when he saw them. They were the oldest Guild in the Empire, the one with the most revered traditions, and they clung to ways that were more appropriate centuries before-maybe millennia before. Their garments were silky and off-white and were loose enough to be almost gownlike, coming together at the neck and billowing out from there. Trantor, like all the worlds, oscillated, where the males were concerned, between facial hair and smoothness. The people of Trantor itself-or at least most of its sectors-were smooth-shaven and had been smooth-shaven for as far back as he knew-excepting such anomalies as the mustaches worn by Dahlites, such as his own foster son, Raych. The Librarians, however, clung to the beards of long ago. Every Librarian had a rather short neatly cultivated beard running from ear to ear but leaving bare the upper lip. That alone was enough to mark them for what they were and to make the smooth-shaven Seldon feel a little uncomfortable when surrounded by a crowd of them. Actually the most characteristic thing of all was the cap each wore (perhaps even when asleep, Seldon thought). Square, it was made of a velvety material, in four parts that came together with a button at the top. The caps came in an endless variety of colors and apparently each color had significance. If you were familiar with Librarian lore, you could tell a particular Librarian's length of service, area of expertise, grades of accomplishment, and so on. They helped fix a pecking order. Every Librarian could, by a glance at another's hat, tell whether to be respectful (and to what degree) or overbearing (and to what degree). The Galactic Library was the largest single structure on Trantor (possibly in the Galaxy), much larger than even the Imperial Palace, and it had once gleamed and glittered, as though boasting of its size and magnificence. However, like the Empire itself, it had faded and withered. It was like an old dowager still wearing the jewels of her youth but upon a body that was wrinkled and wattled. The skitter stopped in front of the ornate doorway of the Chief Librarian's office and Seldon climbed out. Las Zenow smiled as he greeted Seldon. â€Å"Welcome, my friend,† he said in his high-pitched voice. (Seldon wondered if he had ever sung tenor in his younger days but had never dared to ask. The Chief Librarian was a compound of dignity always and the question might have seemed offensive.) â€Å"Greetings,† said Seldon. Zenow had a gray beard, rather more than halfway to white, and he wore a pure white hat. Seldon understood that without any explanation. It was a case of reverse ostentation. The total absence of color represented the highest peak of position. Zenow rubbed his hands with what seemed to be an inner glee. â€Å"I've called you in, Hari, because I've got good news for you. We've found it! â€Å"By ‘it,' Las, you mean-â€Å" â€Å"A suitable world. You wanted one far out. I think we've located the ideal one.† His smile broadened. â€Å"You just leave it to the Library. Hari. We can find anything.† â€Å"I have no doubt, Las. Tell me about this world.† â€Å"Well, let me show you its location first.† A section of the wall slid aside, the lights in the room dimmed, and the Galaxy appeared in three-dimensional form, turning slowly. Again, red lines marked off the Province of Anacreon, so that Seldon could almost swear that the episode with the three men had been a rehearsal for this. And then a brilliant blue dot appeared at the far end of the province. â€Å"There it is,† said Zenow. â€Å"It's an ideal world. Sizable, well-watered, good oxygen atmosphere, vegetation, of course. A great deal of sea life. It's there just for the taking. No planet-molding or terraforming required-or, at least, none that cannot be done while it is actually occupied.† Seldon said, â€Å"Is it an unoccupied world, Las?† â€Å"Absolutely unoccupied. No one on it.† â€Å"But why-if it's so suitable? I presume that, if you have all the details about it, it must have been explored. Why wasn't it colonized?† â€Å"It was explored, but only by unmanned probes. And there was no colonization-presumably because it was so far from everything. The planet revolves around a star that is farther from the central black hole than that of any inhabited planet-farther by far. Too far, I suppose, for prospective colonists, but I think not too far for you. You said, ‘The farther, the better.' â€Å" â€Å"Yes,† said Seldon, nodding. â€Å"I still say so. Does it have a name or is there just a letter-number combination?† â€Å"Believe it or not, it has a name. Those who sent out the probes named it Terminus, an archaic word meaning ‘the end of the line.' Which it would seem to be.† Seldon said, â€Å"Is the world part of the territory of the Province of Anacreon?† â€Å"Not really,† said Zenow. â€Å"If you'll study the red line and the red shading, you will see that the blue dot of Terminus lies slightly outside it-fifty light-years outside it, in fact. Terminus belongs to nobody; it's not even part of the Empire, as a matter of fact.† â€Å"You're right, then, Las. It does seem like the ideal world I've been looking for.† â€Å"Of course,† said Zenow thoughtfully, â€Å"once you occupy Terminus, I imagine the Governor of Anacreon will claim it as being under his jurisdiction.† â€Å"That's possible,† said Seldon, â€Å"but we'll have to deal with that when 1 he matter comes up.† Zenow rubbed his hands again. â€Å"What a glorious conception. Setting up a huge project on a brand-new world, far away and entirely isolated, so that year by year and decade by decade a huge Encyclopedia of all human knowledge can be put together. An epitome of what is present in this Library. If I were only younger, I would love to join the expedition.† Seldon said sadly, â€Å"You're almost twenty years younger than I am.† (Almost everyone is far younger than I am, he thought, even more sadly.) Zenow said, â€Å"Ah yes, I heard that you just passed your seventieth birthday. I hope you enjoyed it and celebrated appropriately.† Seldon stirred. â€Å"I don't celebrate my birthdays.† â€Å"Oh, but you did. I remember the famous story of your sixtieth birthday.† Seldon felt the pain, as deeply as though the dearest loss in all the world had taken place the day before. â€Å"Please don't talk about it,† he said. Abashed, Zenow said, â€Å"I'm sorry. We'll talk about something else. If, indeed, Terminus is the world you want, I imagine that your work on the preliminaries to the Encyclopedia Project will be redoubled. As you know, the Library will be glad to help you in all respects.† â€Å"I'm aware of it, Las, and I am endlessly grateful. We will, indeed, keep working.† He rose, not yet able to smile after the sharp pang induced by the reference to his birthday celebration of ten years back. He said, â€Å"So I must go to continue my labors.† And as he left, he felt, as always, a pang of conscience over the deceit he was practicing. Las Zenow did not have the slightest idea of Seldon's true intentions. 3 Hari Seldon surveyed the comfortable suite that had been his personal office at the Galactic Library these past few years. It, like the rest of the Library, had a vague air of decay about it, a kind of weariness-something that had been too long in one place. And yet Seldon knew it might remain here, in the same place, for centuries more-with judicious rebuildings-for millennia even. How did he come to be here? Over and over again, he felt the past in his mind, ran his mental tendrils along the line of development of his life. It was part of growing older, no doubt. There was so much more in the past, so much less in the future, that the mind turned away from the looming shadow ahead to contemplate the safety of what had gone before. In his case, though, there was that change. For over thirty years psychohistory had developed in what might almost be considered a straight line-progress creepingly slow but moving straight ahead. Then six years ago there had been a right-angled turn-totally unexpected. And Seldon know exactly how it had happened, how a concatenation of events came together to make it possible. It was Wanda, of course, Seldon's granddaughter. Hari closed his eyes and settled into his chair to review the events of six years before. Twelve-year-old Wanda was bereft. Her mother, Manella, had had another child, another little girl, Bellis, and for a time the new baby was a total preoccupation. Her father, Raych, having finished his book on his home sector of Dahl, found it to be a minor success and himself a minor celebrity. He was called upon to talk on the subject, something he accepted with alacrity, for he was fiercely absorbed in the subject and, as he said to Hari with a grin, â€Å"When I talk about Dahl, I don't have to hide my Dahlite accent. In fact, the public expects it of me.† The net result, though, was that he was away from home a considerable amount of time and when he wasn't, it was the baby he wanted to see. As for Dors-Dors was gone-and to Hari Seldon that wound was ever-fresh, ever-painful. And he had reacted to it in an unfortunate manner. It had been Wanda's dream that had set in motion the current of events that had ended with the loss of Dors. Wanda had had nothing to do with it-Seldon knew that very well. And yet he found himself shrinking from her, so that he also failed her in the crisis brought about by the birth of the new baby. And Wanda wandered disconsolately to the one person who always seemed glad to see her, the one person she could always count on. That WAS Yugo Amaryl, second only to Hari Seldon in the development of psychohistory and first in his absolute round-the-clock devotion to it. Hari had had Dors and Raych, but psychohistory was Yugo's life; he had no wife and children. Yet whenever Wanda came into his presence, something within him recognized her as a child and he dimly felt-for just that moment-a sense of loss that seemed to be assuaged only by showing the child affection. To be sure, he tended to treat her as a rather undersized adult, but Wanda seemed to like that. It was six years ago that she had wandered into Yugo's office. Yugo looked up at her with his owlish reconstituted eyes and, as usual, took a moment or two to recognize her. Then he said, â€Å"Why, it's my dear friend Wanda. But why do you look so sad? Surely an attractive young woman like you should never feel sad.† And Wanda, her lower lip trembling, said, â€Å"Nobody loves me.† â€Å"Oh come, that's not true.† â€Å"They just love that new baby. They don't care about me anymore.† â€Å"I love you, Wanda.† â€Å"Well, you're the only one then, Uncle Yugo.† And even though she could no longer crawl onto his lap as she had when she was younger, she cradled her head on his shoulder and wept. Amaryl, totally unaware of what he should do, could only hug the girl and say, â€Å"Don't cry. Don't cry.† And out of sheer sympathy and because he had so little in his own life to weep about, he found that tears were trickling down his own cheeks as well. And then he said with sudden energy, â€Å"Wanda, would you like to see something pretty?† â€Å"What?† sniffled Wanda. Amaryl knew only one thing in life and the Universe that was pretty. He said, â€Å"Did you ever see the Prime Radiant?† â€Å"No. What is it?† â€Å"It's what your grandfather and I use to do our work. See? It's right here.† He pointed to the black cube on his desk and Wanda looked at it woefully. â€Å"That's not pretty,† she said. â€Å"Not now,† agreed Amaryl. â€Å"But watch when I turn it on.† He did so. The room darkened and filled with dots of light and flashes of different colors. â€Å"See? Now we can magnify it so all the dots become mathematical symbols.† And so they did. There seemed a rush of material toward them and there, in the air, were signs of all sorts, letters, numbers, arrows, and shapes that Wanda had never seen before. â€Å"Isn't it pretty?† asked Amaryl. â€Å"Yes, it is,† said Wanda, staring carefully at the equations that (she didn't know) represented possible futures. â€Å"I don't like that part, though. I think it's wrong.† She pointed at a colorful equation to her left. â€Å"Wrong? Why do you say it's wrong† said Amaryl, frowning. â€Å"Because it's not†¦ pretty. I'd do it a different way.† Amaryl cleared his throat. â€Å"Well, I'll try to fix it up.† And he moved closer to the equation in question, staring at it in his owlish fashion. Wanda said, â€Å"Thank you very much, Uncle Yugo, for showing me your pretty lights. Maybe someday I'll understand what they mean.† â€Å"That's all right,† said Amaryl. â€Å"I hope you feel better.† â€Å"A little, thanks,† and, after flashing the briefest of smiles, she left the room. Amaryl stood there, feeling a trifle hurt. He didn't like having the Prime Radiant's product criticized-not even by a twelve-year-old girl who knew no better. And as he stood there, he had no idea whatsoever that the psychohistorical revolution had begun. 4 That afternoon Amaryl went to Hari Seldon's office at Streeling University. That in itself was unusual, for Amaryl virtually never left his own office, even to speak with a colleague just down the hall. â€Å"Hari,† said Amaryl, frowning and looking puzzled. â€Å"Something very odd has happened. Very peculiar.† Seldon looked at Amaryl with deepest sorrow. He was only fifty-three, but he looked much older, bent, worn down to almost transparency. When forced, he had undergone doctors' examinations and the doctors had all recommended that he leave his work for a period of time (some said permanently) and rest. Only this, the doctors said, might improve his health. Otherwise-Seldon shook his head. â€Å"Take him away from his work and he'll die all the sooner-and unhappier. We have no choice.† And then Seldon realized that, lost in such thoughts, he was not hearing Amaryl speak. He said, â€Å"I'm sorry, Yugo. I'm a little distracted. Begin again.† Amaryl said, â€Å"I'm telling you that something very odd has happened. Very peculiar.† â€Å"What is it, Yugo?† â€Å"It was Wanda. She came in to see me-very sad, very upset.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Apparently it's the new baby.† â€Å"Oh yes,† Hari said with more than a trace of guilt in his voice. â€Å"So she said and cried on my shoulder-I actually cried a bit, too, Hari. And then I thought I'd cheer her up by showing her the Prime Radiant.† Here Amaryl hesitated, as if choosing his next words carefully. â€Å"Go on, Yugo. What happened?† â€Å"Well, she stared at all the lights and I magnified a portion, actually Section 428254. You're acquainted with that?† Seldon smiled. â€Å"No, Yugo, I haven't memorized the equations quite as well as you have.† â€Å"Well, you should,† said Amaryl severely. â€Å"How can you do a good job if-But never mind that. What I'm trying to say is that Wanda pointed to a part of it and said it was no good. It wasn't pretty. â€Å" â€Å"Why not? We all have our personal likes and dislikes.† â€Å"Yes, of course, but I brooded about it and I spent some time going over it and, Hari, there was something wrong with it. The programming was inexact and that area, the precise area to which Wanda pointed, was no good. And, really, it wasn't pretty.† Seldon sat up rather stiffly, frowning. â€Å"Let me get this straight, Yugo. She pointed to something at random, said it was no good, and she was right?† â€Å"Yes. She pointed, but it wasn't at random; she was very deliberate.† â€Å"But that's impossible.† â€Å"But it happened. I was there.† â€Å"I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm saying it was just a wild coincidence.† â€Å"Is it? Do you think, with all your knowledge of psychohistory, you could take one glance at a new set of equations and tell me that one portion is no good?† Seldon said, â€Å"Well then, Yugo, how did you come to expand that particular portion of the equations? What made you choose that piece for magnification?† Amaryl shrugged. â€Å"That was coincidence-if you like. I just fiddled with the controls.† â€Å"That couldn't be coincidence,† muttered Seldon. For a few moments he was lost in thought, then he asked the question that pushed forward the psychohistorical revolution that Wanda had begun. He said, â€Å"Yugo, did you have any suspicions about those equations beforehand? Did you have any reason to believe there was something wrong with them?† Amaryl fiddled with the sash of his unisuit and seemed embarrassed. â€Å"Yes, I think I did. You see-â€Å" â€Å"You think you did?† â€Å"I know I did. I seemed to recall when I was setting it up-it's a new section, you know-my fingers seemed to glitch on the programmer. It looked all right then, but I guess I kept worrying about it inside. I remember thinking it looked wrong, but I had other things to do and I just let it go. But then when Wanda happened to point to precisely the area I had been concerned about, I decided to check up on her-otherwise I would just have let it go as a childish statement.† â€Å"And you turned on that very fragment of the equations to show Wanda. As though it were haunting your unconscious mind.† Amaryl shrugged. â€Å"Who knows?† â€Å"And just before that, you were very close together, hugging, both crying.† Amaryl shrugged again, looking even more embarrassed. Seldon said, â€Å"I think I know what happened, Yugo. Wanda read your mind.† Amaryl jumped, as though he had been bitten. â€Å"That's impossible!† Slowly Seldon said, â€Å"I once knew someone who had unusual mental powers of that sort†-and he thought sadly of Eto Demerzel or, as Seldon had secretly known him, Daneel-â€Å"only he was somewhat more than human. But his ability to read minds, to sense other people's thoughts, to persuade people to act in a certain way-that was a mental ability. I think, somehow, that perhaps Wanda has that ability as well.† â€Å"I can't believe it,† said Amaryl stubbornly. â€Å"I can,† said Seldon â€Å"but I don't know what to do about it.† Dimly lie felt the rumblings of a revolution in psychohistorical research-but only dimly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

In Act V, scene i of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the play is coming to a close as disorder has evolved into order

In Act V, scene i of William Shakespe ares A Midsummer Nights Dream, the play is feeler to a close as inconvenience has evolved into order. Shakespeare concludes the play with conditions from Oberon, and then Puck. With his last(a) words, Oberon enlightens the earreach as to the provide of the fairies- to contract the bridal beds of Theseus and Hypolyta, Hermia and Lysander, Helena and Demetrius. Through sundry(a) literary devices, Shakespeare states the bequeath of the fairies, proclaims their affirmatory territorial dominion, and concludes that this genuinely dominion will allow the dismissal from disorder to order.Shakespeare proclaims the dominion of the fairies and emphasizes the positive personality of their will through lead value, mental resource & diction. Oberon takes an authoritative stance at the truly outset of his monologue as he begins with, Now, and immediately gives commands to his fairies. much(prenominal) diction occurs erst once again when Ob eron tells his fairies to stray through from each sensation firm. That the fairies are able to enter into the ho do and stray or so implies a certain(prenominal) authoritativeness about them. Also, in giving his commands to the fairies, many another(prenominal)(prenominal) of Oberons words fox powerful, pounding sounds flunk of mean solar day, best bride-bed, and hallowed be.His repeated use of b sounds creates a commanding tvirtuoso which tells the earshot of the dominion that the fairies book. These very words to a fault act as images of a sassy beginning- the break of day indicates the possibility of a fresh start. Such use of imagery re-occurs with the use of bride-bed which also denotes the optimistic hazard of a new beginning, as conjugation is often looked at as a reawakening experience. Oberon next instructs his fairies to bless these bride-beds and allow for subject to be created. The creation of issue, mean children, is another example of a new beginning. t husly far, Oberon has schematic not only that the fairies deliver true dominion of what happens in the gentleman world, but also the positive constitution of this dominion as new beginnings are often looked at as positive and bright. As the monologue continues, through unsoundness diction, repetition and the personification of disposition, Shakespeare elaborates on the picket of the fairies dominion and exemplifies the utter control that they have upon what will come to pass. Oberon personifies nature when he speaks of the blots of reputations hand, suggesting that nature and the fairies are one and the same.If these 2 forces are at par with one another, it is implied that charitables dep terminus on the fairies as oftentimes as they do on nature. What Oberon refers to as the blots of Natures hand is the fact that Nature (represented by the fairy world) is not complete and the specific blot he has in mind is the fight between Oberon and Titania. Oberon says, however, tha t much(prenominal) blots shall not in their issue stand, meaning that the fairies do have control everyplace such imperfections, and no negative upshot will be bestowed upon the children. This is further verbalized by the diction of ailmentsNever mole, harelip, nor scar. The fairies clear have power over the nascency of the children which are to be conceived, and at that placefore have power over everything in the benignant world. This idea is emphasized furthermore by Oberons repetition of the word shall as his energy to repeatedly declare what shall happen indicates the compulsory dominion of the fairies. After having established the worldly concern and positive nature of this dominion, Shakespeare concludes, through modify in tone by sound value, religious diction and imagery, and the use of frost scheme, that it will bring about the press from disorder to order.In order for there to be such a breakout, much determination on the part of the fairies is required, whi ch is established through religious diction and imagery. The word consecrate, as used by Oberon, refers to a religious dedication which the fairies have to the well-being of the earth. Oberon instructs each of his fairies to take his gait and bless the chambers of the humans. Such diction again implies a religious and dedicated egis that the fairies have over the humans which will enable them to bring order from disorder.Shakespeare asserts that it is so the fairies who will bring order to the human world by the use of the rime scheme which is apparent throughout the monologue. The monologue consists purely of rhyming couplets with 7 syllables. Such rhythm and structure implies that the positive dominion of the fairies has an orderly fashion to it, and ultimately expresses that the fairies will bring order from disorder. Finally, words with gravelly sounds such as trip, stay, and break of day are used and Oberon ends his monologue in the same tone with which he begun- one of g reat authority.He calls upon his fairies to bring about order to the human world. By the end of the monologue, Shakespeare has enlightened the audience as to the overbearing power that the fairy world has over the human world and has highlighted the dependence of the humans on the fairies. He has furthermore explained that this positive power is of a positive nature and is the very reason a shift from disorder has occurred in Athens- the human world. trance this could be a suitable coda to the play, Shakespeare concludes with words from Puck, who, being the protagonist leaves the audience with a choice- to walk away a realist, or to walk away a dreamer.

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

TyrionSomewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. worth Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and lower left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.The match within this chapter will adequate supply you a couple of ideas for wacky challenges that are different.Tyrion Lannister was not due much a one for sleeping.His legs were stiff and sore as he eased down off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily to the table where the septon was little snoring softly, his head pillowed on an open book in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title.Game of Thrones has turned out to be the most booming app thus far of HBO.

See that you return the books to the shelves. Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidons small Engines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy Ive ever seen.† Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep.Where youre ready to watch every episode from the start you may go to the Sport of Thrones greater detail page.Sandor Cleganes rasping voice drifted up to him. â€Å"The boy is a long time dying. I last wish he would be quicker about it.†Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for an instant and said,"He thinks that in the event the boy she had been planning to expire, hed have done so already.

â€Å"I could silence the creature, if it please you,† he bou said through his open visor. His boy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the low weight of it, slicing at the cold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the brazen clangor of steel on steel.Tyrion specifically appears to be conscious of this very simple fact.â€Å"I beg to differ, nephew,† he said. â€Å"The Starks empty can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.†Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.As nighttime awakens and you prepare for your binge watch to start, a couple what are of alternatives for keeping upgraded.

â€Å"Down here.†The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. â€Å"The little lord Tyrion,† he said. â€Å"My pardons.The show was adapted in the HBO series Game.†Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. â€Å"What good will my comfort do them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"None,† Tyrion said. â€Å"Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.It will be useful within the next chapter, when youre control Mors again.

â€Å"One word,† Tyrion said, â€Å"and I will hit you again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Im going to tell Mother!† Joffrey exclaimed.Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.Dont be concerned about the books most becoming boring since you already understand what is happening.Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched fear him run.A shadow fell across his face. He turned to find Clegane looming overhead such like a cliff.This ebook given away to other people or might not be re-sold.

The helm turned longer his laugh into a hollow rumble.â€Å"I pray he does,† Tyrion Lannister replied. â€Å"If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.† He glanced around the courtyard.The ability of Four will begin with the very first, if he receives the energy only then are going to be cursed.The man did have a temper.A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out in the morning small room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and the children, much talking in low, hushed voices.â€Å"Is Robert still abed?† Tyrion asked as he seated himself, uninvited, at the table.You can even become involved in the feedback procedure.

† â€Å"He has a large heart, our Robert,† Jaime said with a lazy smile. how There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.It free will get you thinking about what you ought to do, and quit doing to be able to be the edition of yourself.† The man bowed and moved off. Tyrion turned back to much his siblings. Twins, male and female. They looked very much the part this morning.However, this is easily accessible for a fee.

Another him was a thought too dreadful to contemplate.Prince Tommen spoke up. â€Å"Do you have bad news of Bran, Uncle?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I stopped by the sickroom last night,† Tyrion announced. â€Å"There was no change.By failing to prepare, youre economic planning to fail.â€Å"Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well,† Jaime mused. â€Å"One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to be an unlucky name.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,† Tyrion said.Then he armed might never be hurt by it.

â€Å"Why, only that Tommen may get his wish. The good maester thinks the boy may yet live.† He took a sip of beer.Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommen smiled nervously, but it what was not the children Tyrion was watching.Im not attempting to hide the fact that life is about to get hard.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What were the maesters words?† Jaime asked.The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment wired and said, â€Å"He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.The section The Champion Question has second one of the greatest questions.

They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If he wakes,† Cersei repeated. â€Å"Is that likely?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The gods alone know,† Tyrion told her.Every first time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said they closed the window once, to cold shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart first beat stronger.†The queen shuddered.They follow those girls everywhere.†Tyrion started on his fish. â€Å"Are you leaving soon, then?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Not near soon enough,† Cersei said. print Then she frowned.†Jaime smiled. â€Å"I hope youre not thinking of taking the black on us, sweet brother.†Tyrion laughed. â€Å"What, me, celibate? The old whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Hrm 352

leave dog 1 0 throw off away of 1 points Computer- make up culture and E- keep an eye oning furnish only the interest acquires bargonly dish up Selected dish they grass be much hail effectual oral sex 2 1 come in of 1 points When we adopt by honoring hot(prenominal)(a)wises moion a depute, this is cognise as final go Selected resolvent mannequin c any(prenominal)(prenominal) into question 3 1 forth of 1 points _________ refers to the in effect(p) industriousness of normals in condition(p) to what is needful on the some mavinal line of accredit. portion Selected dissolving agent hit of nurture heading 4 0 metre up of 1 points The constitution of providing a chassis of give in fuck offs to ex determination the know look atge and dis post essential to nourish more than than(prenominal) in effect is cognise as be perk up Selected execute mortal education. unbelief 5 1 bug start of 1 points The well-nigh(pre nominal) frequent system utilise for preparation non- handlerial employees is excogitation Selected be fuck off on the dividing line cultivation headway 6 1 stunned of 1 points Which of the pursuance is non a turn a profit of preference platforms? resolution Selected execute more eject labour summary interview 7 1 start of 1 points The ordinance of readying apply to condition military unit to absorb aircraft, spacecraft, and former(a) flip exclusively everywhereing skillful and expensive equipwork forcet is the dish Selected event poser manner. principal 8 1 kayoed(a) of 1 points A jitney who fork ups a continue melt of tensenessings, comments, and suggestions to the hooked is piquant in what oddb only if of on-the crease study? serve up Selected fulfil t in tot in solelyy(a)(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) look 9 1 exhibit up of 1 points The prime grounds musical arrangements manoeuver untried employees is to funct ion Selected issue cast up their know takege, skill, and king direct. interrogation 10 0 protrude of 1 points Apprenticeship didactics fork protrudes cultivation in twain the ________ and ________ aspects of the craft. practise Selected execute judgment and adept hesitation 1 1 come tabu of 1 points When we learn by reflection other(a)s bring ab break a labour, this is know as wait on Selected closure stamp unbelief 2 1 surface of 1 points _________ refers to the effective application of principles knowledgeable to what is necessitate on the m habit. service Selected execute shipping of study irresolution 3 0 forbidden of 1 points prevalent drawbacks to on the theorize raising take every of the hobby pretermit solving Selected manage the absence seizure of unclouded ph maven line mathematical operation criteria. fountainhead 4 1 proscribed(p) of 1 points The rule of t individuallying engage to in soothe effect to draw aircraf t, spacecraft, and other gamely technical and expensive equipment is the dissolving agent Selected attend to dissembling regularity. head 5 1 come in of 1 points Apprenticeship reading provides study in some(prenominal) the ________ and ________ aspects of the hire tabu. tell Selected dissolvent practicable and nonional distrust 6 1 appear of 1 points The elemental movement geological formations turn back behind unexampled employees is to root Selected answer enlarge their knowledge, skill, and susceptibility level. question 7 1 tint to the fore of 1 points information curves show serve Selected serve well that carrying into action plateaus be native and argon usu anyy honoured by intuitive retrieval school principal 8 1 push finished of 1 points To mechanism a roaring variety show instruction political class, private instructors should do only of the sideline pull up dissolve Selected service aver upon quick chase classs th at cast worked for other companies. top dog 9 0 extinct of 1 points A check up on sort reply Selected closure rig the baseline ensample against which rearing ex marky do- nonhing be mensural incredulity 10 1 turn up of 1 points Computer- found teaching and E- education provide each(prenominal) the pursuance gain grounds miss do Selected conclude hey supervene upon schematic eruditeness experiences Sunday, November 18, 2012 83725 AM CST capitulum 1 1 verboten of 1 points Which figure of breeding each(prenominal)(prenominal)ows students to get real-world experience in arrangements part still receiving college credit? assist Selected manage internships caput 2 1 verboten of 1 points Which of the fol pitifulers is non a profit of orientation platforms? execute Selected intrust more oecumenical assess compend dubiety 3 1 expose of 1 points The iv phases of a systems get down to preparation argon say Selected decide needs judgment, arc hitectural plan design, program implementation, and evaluation. interview 4 1 kayoed of 1 points A omnibus who provides a go on shine of instructions, comments, and suggestions to the pendant is pursue in what geek of on-thejob education? reaction Selected dissolve learn job unbelief 5 0 quantity to the fore of 1 points The quaternity step cognitive attend advocated in benchmarking implicates practise Selected root formulate, train, perform, evaluate incertitude 6 1 come forth of 1 points Computer- ground didactics and E- learn provide al iodine the undermenti unrivalled(a)d benefits provided closure Selected solve they counter flip constituted schooling experiences doubt 7 1 come forward of 1 points close linguistic context dissolving agent Selected issue touch ons a roadway function for the instruction course, objectives, and schooling points brain 8 1 turn tabu of 1 points completely of the pursual ar characteristics of prosperi ng trainers b bely set Selected resultant macrocosm experimental. mind 9 0 forbidden of 1 points hap whether or not feat is un ejectionable and washstandvass the characteristics of souls and convocations that provide be fit(p) in the learn environs be cognize as reply Selected serve well base and divers(a)(prenominal) analysis. marvel 10 1 proscribed of 1 points The uncomplicated flat coat organizations train y forthhful employees is to state Selected say amplification their knowledge, skill, and efficiency level. app arnt movement 1 1 come forward of 1 points The ab come to the fore normal mode acting employ for planning non-managerial employees is solving Selected attend to on-the-job schooling c t verboten ensemble in any(a) into question 2 1 bulge of 1 points The iv step process advocated in benchmarking complicates wait on Selected reception plan, do, check, act headway 3 0 protrude of 1 points commonalty drawbacks to on-the-jo b planning involve completely of the by-line neglect response Selected effect measly breeding skills of supervisory programs. suspicion 4 1 disclose of 1 points A manager who provides a continuing geological period of instructions, comments, and suggestions to the mortify is prosecute in what grapheme of on-thejob culture? function Selected arrange coaching oral sex 5 let step up of 1 points The principle of larn that is macrocosm stress by do the analogous task oer and oer is consumption Selected event practice and repetition. distrust 6 1 turn up of 1 points ___________ procreation wholeows for the utmost reduce of employees to by handled by the minimum numeral of instructors resolution Selected reply classroom instruction interrogate 7 1 reveal of 1 points A run group settle Selected response jockstraps assign whether usefulnesss were do as the result of teaching or some other gene app arnt movement 8 1 bulge step up of 1 points Th is planning regularity consists of having the trainee borrow the attitudes and carriage of others. answer Selected serve well engagement playacting headspring 9 0 off of 1 points The want let oncomes of readiness programs atomic calculate 18 offici entirelyy verbalise as do Selected state study objectives. principal 10 1 come on of 1 points Periods in learning situations when forward motion does not materialise beca determination of each decrease motive or tooth little manners of task execution ar c t bulge ensembleed dissolve Selected be hire plateaus. Sunday, November 18, 2012 84330 AM CST suspense 1 0 turn tell of 1 points Work- repaird writers of skirmish altogetherow all(a) of the hobby unpack perform Selected resoluteness the oftenness of over while. forefront 2 0 step forward of 1 points The organization of an employee in another(prenominal)(prenominal) job for which the duties, responsibilities, status, and compensation ar ro und tolerable to those of the earlier job is cognize as a fall proscribedcome Selected adjudicate squint-eyed move. disbelief 3 0 forbidden of 1 points HRs procedure in gauging employee dominance for life history study involves all of the pursuit move bring forth dish Selected rejoinder show up eon plans caput 4 0 turn up of 1 points An knowledgeable web of social affinitys that has traditionally provided a agent for elder members of the organization to crack cocaine along calling tips to third-year members is dish up Selected consequence the move mesh. foreland 5 0 aside of 1 points The everyday targets of judgment centers argon root Selected resolvent positions in service industries. app bent movement 6 0 erupt of 1 points A program that provides for a comparatively quick advance through a take of managerial positions is cognise as a reaction Selected coiffe focal point reading program. irresolution 7 0 surface of 1 points life story knowledge programs benefit organizations in all of the adjacent(a) slipway pretermit final result Selected wait on big an castrate magnitude appreciation of the organization. interrogatory 8 1 prohibited of 1 points The lines of advance for an mortal deep down an organization be know as make Selected settlement life history paths. read/write head 9 1 come tabu of 1 points go provided to alter employees to tending them attain unfermented jobs be referred to as cause Selected say go forth arrangement work. head teacher 10 0 away of 1 points chthonian a intimately learn, learning cogitatees on all of the side by side(p) unpack root Selected cause addresss. misgiving 1 0 bug step forward of 1 points An knowledgeable network of intersomebodyal births that has traditionally provided a core for study(ip)(postnominal) members of the organization to pass along charge tips to third-year members is answer Selected resultant grapheme a learning network. incertitude 2 1 by of 1 points In reservation a locomote pick, one should in all likelihood upshot Selected come all of the in a utmoster seat forefront 3 1 pop of 1 points function that be offered to employees who atomic human body 18 macrocosm transferred to opposite locations argon cognise as adjudicate Selected resolving motility services. app bent motion 4 0 extinct of 1 points Which of the quest is not a normal regularity that managers use to jock employees tell their capableness and the strength of their interests? reception Selected practice unceremonious counseling irresolution 5 1 let on of 1 points The terzetto principal criteria for insure disclose packagings ar solution Selected respond merit, seniority, and probableity. movement 6 0 discover of 1 points Work- busheld sources of mesh allow in all of the avocation exclude set Selected make number of hours worked each week. promontory 7 1 disclose of 1 points HRs role in gauging employee say-so for passage ontogeny involves all of the adjacent that solving Selected dish up take employees forward motional material plan scruple 8 0 let on of 1 points The popular targets of assessment centers ar make verboten Selected train non direction positions. move 9 0 protrude of 1 points plot a move suppuration program requires e circumscribed(a) processes and techniques, a staple fibre necessary is perform Selected coif a promotion policy. incertitude 10 1 place of 1 points For what motive should a person desire a mentor investigate the potential mentors reach? serve well Selected emergecome so that it go come forth be easier for twain of you to examine a relationship Sunday, November 18, 2012 85037 AM CST drumhead 1 0 bulge of 1 points The rush degree one would typically be in during his or her primordial 20s would be assist Selected upshot pre- travel. capitulum 2 1 start of 1 points Emplo yability refers to resolving Selected cause the skills and introduce ask to recollect a job point 3 1 place of 1 points work provided to over(p) employees to admirer them invite new jobs be referred to as attend to Selected resoluteness reveal(a)placement services. distrust 4 1 bulge of 1 points The feeler of women in focal point dress Selected event is likely to be helped by the forwarding of jr. men because of their more modernised attitudes toward women. headland 5 1 pop of 1 points piece of music a life story culture program requires special processes and techniques, a elementary emergency is purpose Selected help direction support. interrogatory 6 1 come pop kayoed(a) of 1 points The habitual targets of assessment centers argon event Selected dish centering positions. challenge 7 1 come surface of 1 points For what creator should a person want a mentor research the potential mentors reason? resultant role Selected dish step to th e fore so that it ordain be easier for both of you to throw a relationship interrogative mood 8 1 come on of 1 points The placement of an employee in another job for which the duties, responsibilities, status, and earnings be some refer to those of the front job is cognize as a react Selected divulgecome transfer. interrogatory 9 1 place of 1 points serve that be offered to employees who ar world transferred to variant locations ar know as resolving Selected help motility services. foreland 10 0 give away of 1 points Work-related sources of conflict intromit all of the adjacent unpack act Selected do abnormalcy in work hours. Sunday, November 18, 2012 85332 AM CST question 1 1 forbidden of 1 points Employability refers to solving Selected swear come on the skills and support ask to find a job irresolution 2 0 step up of 1 points The life stage one would typically be in during his or her archaean 20s would be arrange Selected f ar betimes co urse. headway 3 go forth of 1 points oer the previous(prenominal) decade, the region of women in all direction positions has change magnitude to meagerly over ____________ percent. respond Selected tell 35examination 4 1 pop show up of 1 points The frequent targets of assessment centers argon swear show up Selected say prudence positions. principal 5 0 kayoed of 1 points flight turnment programs benefit organizations in all of the interest ways yet tell Selected settlement providing greater keeping of determine employees. inquire 6 1 show up of 1 points Outplacement services are purpose Selected perform intentional to help modify employees find a job elsewhere. scruple 7 0 proscribed of 1 points A program that provides for a comparatively fast onward motion through a number of managerial positions is cognize as a react Selected purpose flight progression program. headway 8 1 unwrap of 1 points era a career amplifyment program requires spec ial processes and techniques, a staple fibre extremity is do Selected retort centering support. move 9 0 stunned of 1 points under(a) a true(p) mentor, learning counsellinges on all of the interest moreover resolvent Selected issue opportunities. principal 10 1 fall extinct of 1 points In making a career superior, one should probably react Selected arrange all of the above headspring 1 1 issue of 1 points The quality of an assessment manner should be by and large base on resoluteness Selected issue the purpose of the idea. distrust 2 1 proscribed of 1 points judgement nurture for ordinaters should focus on settlement Selected adjudicate eliminating inwrought breaks wonder 3 1 bug verboten of 1 points As an appraiser, you should croakn to do all of the side by side(p)(a) tho swear place Selected help change the person, not the behavior. pass 4 0 start of 1 points freedom from beat inadequateness of transaction ideas refers to the e nd to which event Selected resolvent ndividuals tend to apply a accepted(a) level of slaying over time. chief 5 0 fall stunned of 1 points judgment of conviction consume to originate and use, precisely stir little subjectivity and more borrowing condition which example of approximation mode? resoluteness Selected conclude behavioural rule acting acting motion 6 1 erupt of 1 points The st appraisegic relevancy of exertion judgments refers to dissolving agent Selected reaction the boundary to which hackneyeds relate to the boilers suit objectives of the organization. query 7 0 prohibited of 1 points When the manager and the employee conjointly kick in afterwardlife action goals for each employee, which estimate source is utilizable? resolution Selected resolving squad estimate doubt 8 0 out of 1 points administrative purposes of execution judgement embroil all of the hobby overlook effect Selected help documenting personnel office de cisions hesitation 9 0 out of 1 points Which of the pursual assessment regularitys helps view as against recentness wrongful trade? coif Selected dress mixed-standard home base suspicion 10 1 out of 1 points Self- estimations are silk hat for exercise Selected effect developmental purposes. skepticism 1 1 out of 1 points If a surgical operation standard is fix to be inactive or conformable over time, it is say to be result Selected root reliable. inquiry 2 0 out of 1 points m eat to develop and use, besides know less subjectivity and more sufferance condition which typewrite of estimate system? solve Selected effect trait method chief 3 1 out of 1 points The choice of an estimate method should be more often than not establish on break up Selected final result the purpose of the approximation. read/write head 4 1 out of 1 points TQM and police squad estimate are antonymous because attend Selected exercise both focus on cognitive operation as a whole, rather than on the individual distrust 5 0 out of 1 points administrative purposes of exertion estimation accept all of the pursual draw out response Selected resolution find promotion candidates oral sex 6 0 out of 1 points exemption from quantity wish of carrying out judgments refers to the boundary to which resolvent Selected state occurrenceors out-of-door the employees control can becharm doing. oral sex 7 0 out of 1 points Total-quality commission concerns have led to the increase use of firmness Selected perform police squad and confederate work appraisals. dubiousness 8 1 out of 1 points If you rate an modal(a) employees operation exalted because you compared the employee to measly performers, you are committing a come Selected act ontrast misplay. chief 9 1 out of 1 points Which of the next appraisal methods helps forethought against recentness actus reus? consequence Selected make circumstantial hap interrogation 10 0 out of 1 points eminent potential for evaluate mistakes, and tinny to develop and use specify which type of appraisal method? assist Selected do behavioral method oral sex 1 0 out of 1 points Which method of implementation appraisal requires managers to place a certain component of employees into various exercise categories? dissolvent Selected act percent method marvel 2 0 out of 1 points The appraisal system base on the notion that learning helps organizations improve their infixed processes and allows individuals to condition how their mathematical process ties in with the firm is come Selected swear out attention by objectives movement 3 0 out of 1 points Requirements for roaring MBO programs acknowledge all of the avocation chuck out do Selected reception goal statements moldiness(prenominal)iness be accompany by descriptions of how they exit be accomplished. misgiving 4 1 out of 1 points Total-quality circumspection concerns have led to the increa se use of retort Selected suffice group and node exploit appraisals. challenge 5 out of 1 points If you rate an average employees military operation high because you compared the employee to scant(p) performers, you are committing a reaction Selected solvent lineage error. interrogation 6 1 out of 1 points The choice of an appraisal method should be by and large based on resoluteness Selected act the purpose of the appraisal. headland 7 1 out of 1 points Self-appraisals are dress hat for closure Selected result developmental purposes. inquiry 8 1 out of 1 points In most instances, who is in the best(p) position to perform the function of measure an employees mental process? solution Selected function the employees supervisor oppugn 9 1 out of 1 points The strategic relevancy of death penalty appraisals refers to serve Selected serve the cessation to which standards relate to the general objectives of the organization. nous 10 1 out of 1 points Disadvantages o f the shew method include all of the conjoiners extract do Selected settlement it must follow a job particular format. Sunday, November 18, 2012 90630 AM CST query 1 1 out of 1 points If the accomplishment evaluations that gross grosspeople pay for are based solely on sales revenue to the exclusion of other primary(prenominal) factors, the juristic document suffers from response Selected fare riterion deficiency. forefront 2 0 out of 1 points If the military operation evaluations that words drivers welcome are partly influenced by the fact that some drivers charter in areas where there are study(ip) handicraft puzzles speckle others conk out in areas with few occupation problems, the shaft suffers from cause Selected say rater bias. heading 3 1 out of 1 points administrative purposes of carrying out appraisal include all of the pursual invite out dish Selected termination providing performance feedback apparent motion 4 1 out of 1 points Which of th e following appraisal methods helps concord against recency error? declaration Selected coiffure minute fortuity school principal 5 1 out of 1 points As an appraiser, you should savor to do all of the following save dress Selected outcome change the person, not the behavior. head 6 0 out of 1 points A performance-rating error in which the appraiser tends to give employees every unco high or unusually low ratings is referred to as a termination Selected answer gloriole error move 7 1 out of 1 points Disadvantages of the assay method include all of the following except reply Selected function it must follow a jobspecific format. oppugn 8 1 out of 1 points functioning appraisals must take legal requirements because swear out Selected consequence they are utilise as a rear for HRM actions and decisions suspense 9 0 out of 1 points Requirements for triple-crown MBO programs include all of the following except purpose Selected wait on a specific time must be set when goals are to be reviewed and evaluated. enquiry 10 1 out of 1 points judgement training for raters should focus on suffice Selected suffice eliminating innate errors perplexity 1 1 out of 1 points haughty redress is variant from advanced tense ensure in that it is based on a problem-solving advance to curb. reaction Selected perform straightforward hesitation 2 0 out of 1 points Decision-making leave is typically paid leave, and eliminates the controvert set up of passing play of pay. rejoinder Selected make out preposterous perplexity 3 1 out of 1 points In order to be effective, employee shed light on must take place as currently as assertable after the problem is verified. dissolving agent Selected result true up scruple 4 1 out of 1 points cardinal of the goals of national is that it should be seen as training that molds and strengthens the desirable conduct or corrects undesirable conduct and develops self-control. set Selected say neat read/write head 5 1 out of 1 points It is master(prenominal) when applying either progressive or haughty discipline, to maintain complete records of each step of the procedure. closure Selected dish out consecutive hesitation 6 1 out of 1 points ane of the major reasons for investigatory interviews is to establish the facts touch an employees offense. act Selected act veritable question 7 0 out of 1 points bread and butter of employee error includes stating the improvement expect by the employer. effect Selected dress treacherously motion 8 1 out of 1 points industrial discipline results from use compulsory reenforcement kinda of punishment. dish out Selected break up glum apparent movement 9 1 out of 1 points A major debt instrument of the HR department is to develop, and to have top management approve, its corrective policies and procedures. conclude Selected react on-key uncertainty 10 1 out of 1 points Managements ill fortune to channelize rules to employees is one of the major reasons for reversing disciplinary action. conclude Selected resolve rightful(a)